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Tom Massey image 4

A spot cleaning device for jeans that encourages users to reduce the amount that they wash their jeans thus prolonging the jeans service life.

Tom Massey image 5

A product designed to allow women in less affluent areas of India to confidentially share their experiences with each other.

Tom Massey

Always loved taking things apart, rarely able to put them back together. £30k and a degree later, not much has changed...

Whilst I enjoy designing beautiful furniture and lighting, creating meaningful products that truly benefit users is where my passion lies. I love generating a range of ideas, exploring each aspect of a design through sketching and modelling in pursuit of the most functional and pleasing solution whilst prioritising the users’ needs.


'19 Diploma in Professional Studies

09/17 - 08/18

'18 Design Intern - redLoop '18 Design Intern - All Things Code