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Thomas Kirby

Industrial Design and Technology

Thomas Kirby image 4

Peak, a surf technique analyser, aims to improve a surfer's ability by teaching the correct movements and stances, from the information gained via the camera sensors.

Thomas Kirby

Off-piste skiing has significant additional risks to that of resort skiing. No route or hazard markings means that it is the skiers' responsibility to navigate through the unpredictable terrain themselves. Navigational errors are often made, leading to accidents. Yeti aims to reduce the chance of becoming disoriented by providing on-screen AR directional and hazard information about specific off-piste routes.

It can now be said design is firmly and unequivocally ingrained in to the way I think. Exciting times are ahead as I now have the opportunity to take what I have learnt, combine it with my creative thoughts and to put my own stamp on the design world.