Stephen Reid
Industrial Design and Technology
Final year project
An assistive device to allow untrained people to perform CPR

The device aims to assist an untrained person to administer CPR by providing artificial breaths to the casualty via an air pump and mask, before an AED arrives.

Detail of vita
A one-call button for the ambulance service is provided, along with a microphone and speaker, enabling easy two-way communication between the rescuer and the emergency services.

Upwards look at vita
It is a low-cost wall-mounted product that would be available on every floor in an office building. It would complement an AED that may already be present in the office.

Solidworks shaver
A shaver was reverse engineered by surface modelling using Solidworks. G2 curvature continuity was maintained, where appropriate, with the use of Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines on Class A Surfaces.
Stephen Reid
People often are not confident in performing CPR, even if they are trained. Many people though, are not trained in this lifesaving skill. Correct CPR is a vital step in aiding someone’s survival if they have become unconscious and stopped breathing. Physical contact, especially when providing breaths, is often a sticking point and can be a reason why people do not want to perform CPR.
I am a logical, analytical and observant designer who is interested in the technical aspects of design. I have a particular interest for Computer Aided Design, both in 2D and 3D. These skills have been developed though my time at university as well as on my placement year at Ideaworks, where I was based in Faversham, Kent. My time at Ideaworks involved working on the integration of technology in superyachts, mainly through the production of datasheets, schematic drawings and General Arrangement layouts. I primarily used AutoCAD, along with Excel. The opportunities I had included the preparation of shipments for delivery, designing symbols and an automation process for use in GAs and visiting a superyacht being built and outfitted in the Netherlands. In my final year at university I worked on the reverse engineering of a shaver by surface modelling it using Solidworks. I maintained G2 curvature continuity, where appropriate, with the use of Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines on Class A Surfaces. Primary and secondary surfaces were utilised, where overbuilt four-sided patches were trimmed back to create the required form. Career wise, I am looking to further develop my CAD skills, using a range of modelling types, strategies and programs, in an alternative and obscure industry.
'16 Student Starpack Awards (IOM3) – Commended '17 Diploma in Professional Studies
August 2017 - July 2018
'17 Ideaworks - Design Work Placement