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Ro Lloyd-Jones

I have greatly enjoyed my years at Loughborough Design School, learning to adapt my artistic creativity to become a product designer. I have been able to improve my skills in sketching, software modelling, prototyping, mechanics and electronics. In 2017, I undertook a placement working in graphic design and jewellery design. I was able to work with clients such as Soho House and Manolo Blahnik.

My final year project focuses on improving the image quality of hand ultrasound scans, particularly patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The current method of performing an ultrasound scan on a hand requires direct contact between and for the probe to remain at 90° to the skin. This often cannot be achieved due to arthritic deformities and the pressure of the probe on the skin can cause the patient discomfort. My product allows the patient to place their hand in the water tank keeping a relaxed, neutral position whilst the clinician manipulates the transducer over the relevant area. A clear scan can be achieved this way and there is no direct contact with the patient’s skin. The water reduces the acoustic impedance, and is a replacement for the gel used in the current scan process. Working on my project to improve ultrasound scanning for patients with arthritic hands has improved my electronics and Arduino code skills and sparked an interest in medical product design. I am also interested in graphic design and accessories design. At some point in my career, I would love to have my own accessories brand, creating unisex products that are individual and unique. Having this accessories brand would be turning a lifelong hobby, of creating accessories for myself, friends and family, into something that many people can enjoy.


'19 Diploma in Professional Studies

July 2017 - April 2017

Allumer London / Ideology Design