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Electronic Feasibility

Electronic Feasibility

The hazard detection system uses multiple types of sensors to detect a hazard and the user is alerted through haptic feedback in the handles.

User Evaluations

User Evaluations

The prototype was tested and evaluated by users to understand how successful it was and how it can be improved.

Coffee Machine Artefact

Coffee Machine Artefact

A six week long group project to create a fully functional coffee machine artefact that utilised an Aeropress.

Rosie Evans

As a designer I know the key to making a successful product is creating one that is user orientated. I endeavour to solve problems that are prevalent to the user with solutions that fit seamlessly into their lives.

My final year work has been mostly based on user understanding and empathy research, wanting to explore issues for users that are dissimilar to my own. These ideas spark from observation and wanting to understand the thought process when these issues occur. I believe an empathic design process should be used to fully understand the user group you’re designing for, achieving an insight into their thoughts and feelings. Over the last two years my skills with CAD, rapid prototyping, electronic coding and regulation knowledge have improved and I am keen to keep learning and adapting my skills for the future to create user centred products.


'19 Diploma in Professional Studies


'17 Design School - Peer Mentor '14 Nicky Murray Designs - Design Intern

August 2017 - July 2018

Design Intern at Nemaura Pharma