Peter Taylor
Industrial Design and Technology
Final year project
A gaming device for the visually impaired to help them play video games to a level closer to that of a sighted person

Helping The Visually Impaired Play Video Games
Visually impaired people struggle to interact in a meaningful way with video games. My FYDP project aims to give the visually impaired a chance to experience the joys of gaming.

Dog Toy Tracking Device
Howl. The dog toy that calls if lost from the pack. Dogs often lose toys while on a walk, but Howl lets you track your pooch’s pride and joy.

Cat And Pest Protection For Your Garden
Warden uses LIDAR technology to scan and monitor the movements of animals in your garden. It then uses audio spotlighting to pinpoint and deter unwanted visitors without disturbing your neighbours.

Enhancing Angler's Outdoor Eating Experience
The Tesla Fire Bench is used by anglers looking for that high quality fishing experience day. The bench allows people to prepare, cook and consume their catches all on the river bank.

Advanced Surface Modelling Excercise
A detailed SolidWorks CAD surface modelling project in which surface quality and control was expected. Additional knowledge was gained about 3D printing through a ‘manufacture by 3D printing’ redesign assignment.

Optimising Refugee's Lifestyle And Reducing Loneliness
A deck of cards, RFID assistant or app suggest the most efficient use of a refugee’s time in those first weeks of being a refugee. Loneliness is prevented as refugees gain confidence by completing daily activities that help them integrate with society.

Surface Modelling For Injection Moulding
A demonstration of 3D surface modelling techniques with injection moulding and final assembly in mind. Material wall thickness, tolerances and line of draw were all key considerations for fast and cheap manufacture.

Soft Robotics Through 3D Printing
An exploration of existing research being done while at TU Delft in the Netherlands. State of the art multi-material 3D printing was used to produce a soft autonomous walking robot.
Peter Taylor
My Loughborough journey since 2015 has been almost completely unexpected. 4 years ago I had no idea what I would be doing post A levels but I opted to pursue the subject I continued to find interesting at the time - design. Fast forward to 2019 and I've sketched, rendered and modelled my way to an Industrial Design and Technology degree.
If I were to choose an aspect of design that I've enjoyed the most, it would be the CAD modelling. I enjoy taking ideas from paper and reproducing them in a virtual 3D space. It's also an area that I've taken to quite easily and I can spend hours at a time tinkering over a model. I hope to be able to support myself financially in the not too distant future with the ultimate goal to simply live a happy life. If design leads me towards that, then I am eager to continue down this career path that I've started down.
'16 StarPack Award Commendation
'14 Lazy Grace Graphic Design Studio
August 2017 - July 2018
ERASMUS Study Exchange - TU Delft, uPRAX Microsolutions, Netherlands.