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DVT Prevention Device

DVT Prevention Device

Electronics prototype used to demonstrate the functionality of the compression cuff and heating pad.

DVT Prevention Device Internal Components

DVT Prevention Device Internal Components

DVT Prevention Device Exploded View

DVT Prevention Device Exploded View

Matthew Mason

With the rapid expansion of the medical device industry, I have developed a keen interest in this area of design. Following the completion of a year-long work placement, developing over the counter medical devices, I decided to explore a means to prevent the development of Deep Vein Thrombosis, intended for use during travel.

Growing up and completing my year in industry within international environments has provided me with an insight into other cultures and has given me an appreciation for universal design. Whilst it's easy, as a designer, to dream about major design developments, I gain great satisfaction through adjustments of existing products; simple changes that can bring about improvements to the well-being of consumers. This process of design refinement is becoming more and more essential within the medical industry in particular, which I endeavor to explore further post graduation. Developing my final year project, through the design and manufacture of a fully functional system, has allowed me to build a vital skill set covering electronics, mechanics and CAD processes. Creating an improved means of Deep Vein Thrombosis prevention has challenged my ability to identify opportunities for design innovation.


'18 Diploma in Professional Studies


Ski Instructor in Austria, Volunteer at Archealon Turtle Sanctuary in Greece

09/2017 - 09/2018

Medical Brands