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Bayard’s Travelling Barbershop

Bayard’s Travelling Barbershop

A novel service which tackles loneliness amongst young, LGBT+ men. The chore of having a haircut is transformed into an opportunity for meaningful social interaction.

Liam David Hopley

I’m an empathetic and conscientious designer who loves developing insights into what matters most to the people I’m designing for.

I’ve enjoyed putting my versatility to the test this year by exploring user experience design and service design. Stepping out of my comfort zone doesn't faze me: I've learned loads about textiles and electronics in the past few months! I have a wealth of graphic design experience, and a placement year spent at a creative agency in London taught me how crucial branding can be to products’ success. I don’t have a specific vocation in mind beyond graduation, but it’s important to me that whatever I end up designing is truly meaningful and offers users a reason to smile.


'19 Shortlisted for Student Publication Association's Best Magazine Design Award ’19 Design School Nominee for RSA Design Awards ’18 Student Starpack Bronze Award '17 Shortlisted for Student Publication Association's Best Magazine Design Award ’16 Design School Academic Excellence Award


Between leaving school and starting University, I spent two years working: first as a printer and later as a graphic/website designer. I've sought out extra-curricular creative opportunities during my time at Loughborough including leading design teams at the Union's magazines (Label and WoW), and volunteering as LSU Media's Head of Marketing & Online.

August 2017 - August 2018

Paperhat Creative - Junior Designer