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Together House

Together House

Loneliness experienced by young people in cities presents a unique and poignant problem. Often experienced within the confines of dorm rooms, it can be characterised as a shrinking away from the outside. Together House aims to combat this by encouraging adventure and teamwork within individuals.

Together House - Detail

Together House - Detail

Acting as an anitdote to Loneliness, Together House is located away from the city. Based on user interests, it brings young people together to encounter adventure. Following instructions and tasks from a companion app, users venture collectively, travelling to the remote location of the House.

Together House - Interior

Together House - Interior

The interior space is optimised to encourage warm conversation, allowing users to come out of themselves in order to promote growth and self development.

Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher

'Dream Catcher,' is a conceptual project, aiming to visualise a user's night sleep. Twenty-seven years of our lives are spent asleep. This wall mounted device, displays the previous night's sleep in the form of data driven artwork, using neural networks to composite together user activity.

Dream Catcher - Detail

Dream Catcher - Detail

Sensors monitor the user, compositing together a visual representation of their night's sleep. The information forms a distinct piece of data driven artwork in an effort to re-examine user's relationship with sleep and themselves.

James Macmillan

With 37% of returns occurring because of sizing issues, online shoppers are finding it increasingly difficult to buy suitably fitting garments online. Using omni-channel methods, 'Pleat,' the 3D body scanning system provides a way for users to confidently browse clothes online. The system increases customer satisfaction whilst reducing online shopping associated returns.

James is diligent and conscientious, responding especially well to creative challenges. Having developed an interest in user needs and aesthetics, he hopes to continue engaging in problem solving and further develop as a designer.


'18 - RSA Student Design Awards - Shortlisted '17 - Lord Mayor's Luminaire Competition - Winner '16 - Starpack Commendation


'16 - Michael Grubb Studio

06/17 - 06/18
