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Jamie Balfour

Product Design and Technology

Jamie Balfour

I have always had a passion for creating things, especially if it involves using my hands. This passion carries across into my design work where I am always eager to prototype and test and I am also keen on things that work. Needless to say, I am a big fan of working prototypes.

A part of me hopes to one day, in some small way, change the world for the better through design. I do also need to come to terms with the fact that I am not currently capable of that, and so a large part of my design work is about becoming a better designer - more mature, more accomplished and more technically skilled. In order to do this, I need to keep challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone. For example, I am quite at home with pragmatism and practicality, but I want to be able to create truly beautiful things. I also want to become a more inclusive designer, a more sustainable designer, a more professional designer and the list goes on. I am also clinging onto the childhood dream of making video games, so there is that as well.


'19 Diploma in Professional Studies

June 2017 - June 2018