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Fruit Infuser

Fruit Infuser

Kinetic energy collected by the wearable helps to power the fruit infuser promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Avlo - Body Recognition Recorder

Avlo - Body Recognition Recorder

Attaching to the studio mirror, the device captures movements of dancers and detects routine imperfections aiding performance.

Indoor Air Purifier

Indoor Air Purifier

Combining nature and technology in purifying the modern home.

Emily Kidd

I am a forward thinking and highly motivated individual with a profound interest in innovation. I explore problem areas to create contemporary solutions ensuring a compelling user experience.

My design method is thorough and encompasses experience from a range of methods including CAD (NX and Solidworks), Adobe CC and iterative sketching. I consistently perform admirably under pressure and exploit challenges in order to stimulate growth. Team exercises including working with individuals from a range of disciplines is a definite personal strength. Transferrable skills including design thinking, problem-solving and planning and strategy are well established from my Diploma of Professional Studies at Princess Yachts. I strive to attain a position within a forward thinking company where there would be considerable opportunity to contribute, progress and succeed whilst developing myself as a designer.


'18 Diploma in Professional Studies


I was chosen by Loughborough University Design School to attend a challenge based innovation program at CERN in Switzerland collaborating with multidisciplinary students to discover novel solutions. Marketing Internship at Sherpa Marketing allowed for applied skills and knowledge attained from studying Industrial Design to another industry. Extensive responsibilities included designing, executing and managing email campaigns and webinars as well as completing website design work for numerous clients.

06/17 - 07/18

'18 Princess Yachts