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Elena Bonino

Industrial Design and Technology

Optimo App

Optimo App

A connected app is used to monitor adherence rates and give a new reason to take their medication by encouraging the user to set goals for themselves such as running in charity events or personal sporting goals. Taking their medication will be a way of reaching this goal, therefore the user is not just taking their medication simply because they have been told due to being diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.



BeeCo, designed to blend in with the garden, is a monitoring system and educational package for adults and children. It encourages users to find ways of attracting bumblebees to visit their garden and potentially nest in order to aid conservation efforts.



LAVA is an innovative portable glass and mug washer. It’s elegant modern design is in keeping with other kitchen appliances. It automates the household chores of cleaning drink-ware whilst providing it in an energy efficient way to do so.

Elena Bonino

I was made aware of the issues which are faced by people with cystic fibrosis during my placement year. This project gave me the chance to explore user centred design, something I have always taken an interest with, in a meaningful and positive way.

A product does not solve everything and it can often be superfluous to the task or situation. In a time where sustainable and eco-friendly products are more important than ever, we must look at other design solutions. I am hoping to go into service or user experience design following my degree. My passion in the design process lies more towards the research phase and understanding the needs and wants of the user by adopting an empathetic approach. I enjoying going out to speak with real users face to face and find that, ultimately, solving someone's problem is the most fulfilling element of design for me.

06/17 - 06/18

Team Consulting