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Coffee Machine

Coffee Machine

An electro-mechanical system designed to produce a variety of different coffee options based upon the user interaction at a graphic control interface.

Work-Space App

Work-Space App

A work-space solutions app that links young professionals and work spaces in order to foster collaboration and networking

Tom Bennett

During my time at Loughborough I have had the opportunity to manage and lead multiple projects. The most important project of the last 4 years has been my final year project; Working with emergency services and other organisations to develop a device that can be used as an alert system to safeguard the public in the event of a domestic terror attack.

The ability to manage and coordinate a multitude of projects throughout the first two years at Loughborough set me in good stead for when I was thrown into the deep end during placement. During my time at Creative IDEA Ltd I was expected to manage multiple projects coordinating with a combined net worth of more than £250,000. During my final year I have been able to work on a multiple of in-depth projects that have proved both testing and rewarding. Moving forward I would like to pursue a rewarding career combining aspects of project management and analytical problem solving skills that have been developed over the last 4 years.


'19 Diploma Professional Studies '17 WFTG Agrotech Design Contest (3rd)

August 2018 - August 2019

Project Manager - Creative IDEA Ltd