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Silent operation allows Visually Impaired students to produce notes in quiet situations such as lectures and presentations. Current braille products are loud in operation due to their mechanical operation.

Toby Swannell

Since the days of first discovering Lego, Mecano and train sets (when I should have been doing homework), I've loved design and engineering. Anything from Victorian train stations to World War 2 fighter planes was an interest to me. This inspired me to take things apart and explore how they worked, seeing how they could be improved or designed differently. I initially wanted to go into civil engineering as a child, inspired by the incredible bridges and railways designed by Brunel - however through school, I discovered a love for fine art. These two subjects combined through secondary school leading to my current discipline, Industrial Design.

My university projects have been centred around helping users with simple, accessible solutions to growing problems. Creating something meaningful and genuinely beneficial for someone is what drives me to be a better designer - not just designing more plastic stuff that no-one needs.


Speaking at a TEDx conference at the age of 16 was hugely rewarding. I spoke about how the worlds' most influential photographers utilised creativity differently in their work, seeing how we can learn from their processes in all walks of life.


Photographer at a local sports magazine in the South West, covering football and rugby events in Bath and Bristol.

Sept 17 - Sept 18

Design and Marketing Placement at Loughborough Design School