Madeleine Gordon
Industrial Design and Technology
Final year project
Improving the experience of drinking at music festivals

Portable Rapid Drinks Cooler
By spinning a drink rapidly within cold water using peltier technology, users can enjoy a cold drink at festivals and other events with limited resources, in under 3 minutes.

Sustainable Washing Machine Pod
Throw-in pod reminds users to wash at lower temperatures and collects loose microfibres from clothes, reducing water pollution.

Small Space Cooking Hob
Hob with built in pots and pans; eliminating the need for extra storage space and buying equipment, whilst reducing the risk of accidental burns.
Madeleine Gordon
An ambitious and responsible designer, who aims to produce desirable solutions to everyday problems.
Recognised strengths in translating ideas through design softwares, to professional quality visualisation and presentations.
Charterhouse Scholar 2012-2014
07/17 - 08/18
Knibbs Creative Agency